Fringe Cast: Where Are They Now?

1. Anna Torv

Fringe Cast

Olivia Dunham is the protagonist of Fringe, discovering slowly through her association with the Fringe Division that the world around her is not entirely what she thought it to be. Anna Torv is excellent in the role, winning multiple awards for her performances. She is an Australian actress, of Scottish descent.

She handled double duty when she would play not only our universe's Olivia, but also the alternate version - something she managed easily. She would also appear in the HBO series The Pacific.

Though her filmography is brief, it is already very impressive. Since 2016, she has starred in the David Fincher produced Mindhunter, as Dr. Wendy Carr.

She was quoted as saying that she was more comfortable playing the alternate version of Olivia as, in her word's, when there's less responsibility, life's kinda cool!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick