Futurama: 10 Most Annoying Little Inconsistencies

7. The Donbot Didn't Recognise Blotto

Fry Leela Kiss Ending Futurama

Though Bender’s affinity for breaking the law in just about any way he can is endearing to fans of the show, he is a pretty ruthless and amoral criminal. Though much of this has been petty crimes, he has in the past kidnapped a child, and tried to sell other children as livestock.

On more than one occasion the robot found himself running in the same circles as the robot mafia. The first time came in ‘Bender Gets Made’, where his guts impressed the Donbot. Taking on the nickname Blotto, Bender became the fourth member of the group for a short time.

It may have been short, but surely it was memorable. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case, as the next few times Bender’s paths cross with the Donbot, the head of the robot mafia didn’t remember him. He didn’t recognise him when he almost killed Flexo, and he didn’t recognise him when he began to have a torrid affair with his own wife, Fanny.

Surely, there was something in the back of the Donbot’s mind, or Joey Mousepad’s or Clamps’, that remembered that one time they brought a fourth robot into their incredibly tight-knit group?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.