Futurama: 10 Most Underrated Episodes
6. Reincarnation
Over the final few years of Futurama, the show introduced several anthology style episodes comprising of three smaller stories to finish off the seasons. Seasons seven, eight, and nine were closed out by 'The Futurama Holiday Spectacular', 'Reincarnation', and 'Naturama' respectively, while 'Saturday Morning Fun Pit' came halfway through season ten.
Most of these episodes were poor, however there is one that wasn't like the rest, and doesn't deserve to be put in the same category. 'Reincarnation' was closer to the brilliance of the 'Anthology of Interest' episodes than the other later entries in this same style.
The first story put Planet Express and its crew members in the animation style of a 1930s black and white cartoon, focusing on Fry and Leela's relationship and subsequent engagement, while the final entry allowed Doctor Zoidberg to shine in an anime style inspired segment.
The best entry however, was the eight-bit gaming story in which Professor Farnsworth was finally able to find all of the answers to life's questions inside a single black square. This was unique, and the homages to the different animation styles were ambitious and very well done.