Futurama: 10 Ways Fox Should End The Show

8. The Whole Thing Has Been A Hypnotoad-Induced Hallucination

Hypnotoad Imagine the epic nerd rage that would erupt worldwide if the very last shot of Futurama zoomed out and it was all a glint in the ever pulsating eyes of the Hypnotoad. It would be pretty conclusive, and many would argue also an enormous cop out. The resulting wailing and gnashing of teeth from fans could very well break the internet. Just imagine the palpable sense of outrage given that the clues had been there all along, concealed like an unwanted Christmas present hastily shoved behind the sofa. Personally, I hope that this does not come to pass, as I would like to be able to go to my favourite geek pages without having to read endless angry tirades about how Futurama was ruined forever in their blighted and tear-stained eyes.
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Andy T Coombs is a writer, poet and spoken word performer currently living in Australia. He is a massive science fiction geek, occasional bass player and allegedly amusing. If you see him buy him a beer.