Futurama: 10 Worst Things Bender Has Ever Done

3. Frequently Fantasise About Killing All Humans

Futurama Bender
20th Century Fox

When your catchphrase is about killing everyone, you’re probably not a very good person.

Most entries here have specific instances that can be pointed to, but this one is too frequent to even count. Like ‘Bite my shiny metal ass’, ‘fun on a bun’ and, apparently, ‘daffodil’, ‘Kill all humans’ is one of Bender’s go-to quips. So much so that when he’s flirting in his sleep, that’s his suggested romantic activity.

In fairness to Bender, he’s not actually a murderous killbot. Being a part of the mob didn’t even make the cut here, and that’s because he tries to avoid violence as much as possible during his stint working for them. His time as a werecar, also just shy of the top ten, is one of the few times he’s been truly bloodthirsty, and then he had no control of what was happening.

Still, considering he works surrounded by humans, constantly suggesting he’s going to kill them all is a little much.

There’s even a sweet moment at Fry’s ‘funeral’, where he admits he’d always whisper ‘except one’, meaning Fry. However, this is all a coma fantasy of Leela’s, suggesting Leela thinks he’s a good manbot at heart.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)