Futurama: 10 Worst Things The Planet Express Crew Ever Did

6. Zapp Brannigan Forced The Crew Into A Suicide Mission

Futurama Fry And His Grandfather
20th Television

He may not be appear in as many episodes as the likes of Fry, Bender, or Leela, but is there a better character in Futurama's arsenal than Zapp Brannigan? The space pilot is simply excellent in every appearance, and though he is best known as the legendary DOOP captain, he did enjoy a small stint working with Planet Express.

After blowing up DOOP's new 400 billion dollar space station, Brannigan was rightfully fired. Fortunately, he managed to land on his feet, getting a job offer from Professor Farnsworth so as to distract people from the company's horrendous safety record.

With Leela constantly working Fry and Bender too hard all the time, it wasn't long before Zapp was able to raise a mutiny by promising them a life of drinking beer in their underpants. It was then that his bizarre and unexplained disdain for the Neutral race came into play.

Zapp's plan to destroy the Neutral capitol and earn his position back at DOOP involved crashing the Planet Express ship into their headquarters, causing a fiery crash from which no one could survive, including Fry, Bender, and Leela. The captain himself escaped with the only spacesuit on the ship, alongside Kif in a children's suit, with absolutely no regard for the fate of the Planet Express crew.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.