Futurama: 10 Worst Things The Planet Express Crew Ever Did

4. Fry Murdered The Emperor Of Trisol

Futurama Fry And His Grandfather

While Fry was still new to the future, he quickly got sick of Leela treating him like a child. He was delivering things before she was born, but it's hard to argue with the one eyed mutant after Fry tried to voluntarily give up his lungs.

On a delivery to the planet Trisol, named so for its three scorching hot suns, Fry walked through the desert to the Emperor's palace. Upon the throne sat a bottle of the most refreshing looking water, so of course, Fry downed it. Little did he realise, that this was the Royal Bottle, and the water inside was the Emperor of the entire planet.

While Fry never meant to commit Regicide, he still committed the act. This would still certainly count as manslaughter, and if it wasn't for the bizarre customs of the water people of Trisol, Fry would have been punished instead of rewarded with the title of Emperor.

Ultimately the Emperor somehow survived inside Fry's stomach, but that doesn't change the fact that the delivery boy drank him to begin with.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.