Futurama: 12 Greatest Bender Episodes

10. The Birdbot Of Ice-Catraz (S3E9)

Fry Bender Zoidberg Futurama

Everything went from bad to worse for Bender when he briefly became captain of the Planet Express ship. When Leela quit, Bender’s lack of intuition and heart, and the fact that he thought of human life as expendable, made him the Professor’s ideal candidate for the new captain.

Despite being an emotionless robot however, this all went to his head, and his ego inflated. He berated Fry into leaving, piloted a huge oil tanker way under the legal alcohol limit for robots, and spilled masses of oil on the penguins of Pluto. He was given five hours of community service, and even this he tried to trade in for the death penalty.

In trying to escape from this ridiculously minimal punishment, Bender hid as a penguin before a system reset made him genuinely believe he was one. He lived as a penguin, fell in love, hatched eggs and fed his young, before forming them into an army to fight against the humans trying to kill them.

There were some wonderful Benderisms in this episode, with his conclusion being one of the funniest, but darkest thoughts within Futurama when you actually think about it. Life is hilariously cruel.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.