Futurama: 12 Greatest Bender Episodes

9. Bendin' In The Wind (S3E13)

Fry Bender Zoidberg Futurama

This episode brought together some of Bender’s biggest, best, and worst traits demonstrated throughout Futurama. His secret wish to be a famous folk singer was actually quite sweet, but he would happily deceive and cheat the entire world to make it happen.

When he lost his motor skills in an can opener accident, it was a genuine miracle that he was able to become Beck’s new washboard player. He toured the country with the global rockstar, and became a symbol for broken robots everywhere. The only snag he hit was when he accidentally made a full recovery.

Instead of coming clean, he wasn’t ready to give up the fame that came with his disability, so he faked it. He even went so far as to write a song about being broken for Bend-Aid, a charity gig where a portion of the proceeds might have gone to help broken robots.

This is just typical Bender, in an episode that teased heartbreak and emotional growth for the robot. However, thanks to his unfortunate recovery and own natural and uncotrollable showmanship, this was yanked out from under us.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.