Futurama: 12 Greatest Bender Episodes

7. Hell Is Other Robots (S1E9)

Fry Bender Zoidberg Futurama

Everyone knows that Bender isn’t exactly the most virtuous robot in the world. He steals, he is addicted to gambling, hookers, and alcohol (even more so than a robot should be), but this was the first time he ever abused drugs.

Thanks to his addiction to electricity, finding peace with religion, and eventually being tempted back into a life of crime and sleaze, he was sentenced to Robot Hell. That is what happens when you betray your pledge to the Temple of Robotology, but that woman’s purse in Atlantic City was just too tempting.

The world is a very different place in the year 3000, but possibly the craziest change is that there is an actual robot hell, and it’s in New Jersey. Everything about the place, while horrific for Bender, was so much fun to watch, from the music to the ironic punishments, and the fiddle contest for Bender and Fry’s souls.

This is without question a great Bender episode, but it does fall slightly lower on this list as his thunder is stolen somewhat by the introduction of the iconic Robot Devil. Dan Castellaneta made his Futurama debut in this episode, bringing to life the wonderful Beelzebot as he tortured and toyed with Bender until his ultimate escape.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.