Futurama: 12 Greatest Bender Episodes

5. Fear Of A Bot Planet (S1E5)

Fry Bender Zoidberg Futurama

Bender has become synonymous with several unforgettable catchphrases over the years. From demanding his shiny metal ass be bitten, to having fun on a bun and most recently “let’s go alreadyyyyyyyyyy”, he has his back catalogue of go to phrases.

One of his best is his desire to kill all humans. This very sentiment took him from being imprisoned as a human sympathizer to a media darling on Chapek-9, after he confessed to killing a million billion humans. However, he soon became compromised thanks to the wonderful friends that came to rescue him.

It turns out that, although he probably would like to kill MOST humans, thanks to their oppression of the robot race and unappreciation of robot holidays like Robanukah and Robanzaa, there were two that he would spare.

The episode ends with Bender actually remembering to make the delivery he was on the human-hating world to make, and having a Robanukah celebration with his friends. Hilariously, even after realizing how much he cared about them, this still resulted in him stabbing Fry in the throat with a broken bottle.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.