Futurama: 12 Greatest Bender Episodes

4. Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV (S5E15)

Fry Bender Zoidberg Futurama

It’s a fair point, and he probably shouldn't be allowed on TV, but Futurama wouldn’t have been even close to as good without Bender. A proposition that is all too worrying at the moment with John DiMaggio still being the only member of the main cast not attached to the Hulu revival.

In the fictional world of New New York, it was Professor Farnsworth and Hermes who didn’t want the thieving, drinking robot corrupting the minds of their children. His role on All My Circuits had led to something of a revolution among the neighbourhood’s children, and the Fathers Against Rude Television weren’t happy.

Bender was as nonchalant about the whole thing as ever, until the kids he inspired to steal stole from him. He joined the group and actually led the protests against himself. There aren’t many things that Bender loves more than Bender, but apparently Bender’s stuff is one of them.

He would sacrifice his career in a knee jerk reaction, while simultaneously giving out a heartfelt message about TV substituting good parenting that would go on to be ignored by just about everyone.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.