Futurama: 12 Plot-Holes That Almost Ruin The Show
3. Mars Wasn't Really Destroyed
The Comedy Central seasons of Futurama were more topical than the timeless feel of the original series, and while that wasn't for everyone, it did throw up some interesting plotlines.
One of these was the riff on the 2012 Mayan calendar prediction with the 3012 Martian calendar again predicting that the Earth would be destroyed. There's a whole storyline with Fry jinxing Leela every time she takes his hand and the calendar actually being about Mars rather than Earth, but that's besides the point.
The plot hole here is that the solar flare actually does occur, unlike in 2012. Mars explodes and is shunted out of orbit, coming so close to Earth people can literally jump from the red planet's dusty service into the streets of New New York. Scientific issues aside, the story basically makes sense.
However, a few episodes later, we're back to Mars for Viva Mars Vegas, where we see Amy's family business of casinos. How exactly are these things still going after the planet was exploded and thrown out of orbit? Assuming these sites even survived the blast, the planet would be out of orbit, the buildings would have been crushed by the close proximity to Earth and casinos are unlikely to be thriving.