Futurama: 12 Plot-Holes That Almost Ruin The Show
1. Leela Is 'The Other'
One defence for Futurama’s few plot holes over the years could be that they’re very good at setting up the plots which actually matter, and generally have pretty good continuity. This one though went absolutely nowhere, and feels like a wasted opportunity.
Fry and Nibbler's storyline gets revisited throughout the series, linking together the core mythology and the Nibblonian's battle with the Brainspawn. Because Fry is his own grandfather (surprisingly not really a plot hole), his unique brainwaves make him immune to the Brainspawn attacks, and so he's key to the Nibblonian fight.
This means that whenever Nibbler's main storyline is explored, before we all know he can speak, Fry is usually with him. He vents to Nibbler that he wishes he was with Leela, to which Nibbler mutters 'perhaps she is "The Other"...' and telling Fry he'll help set them up, then wipes Fry's memory.
While Fry and Leela do end up getting together, Nibbler's role seems muted and they don't particularly help the Nibblonian war; at least not as a couple.
Either this was a vague reference to Star Wars, with Yoda's 'there is another' about Leia, or was a plot thread they just snipped off with no explanation.