Futurama: 12 Plot-Holes That Almost Ruin The Show
11. Robosexual Marriage
This is a plot hole which spans three distantly spaced episodes, so could be dismissed as understandable. Considering how big a plot point each incident is in their respective episodes though, it's worth noting.
The plot hole concerns Robosexual Marriage, the driving force in the episode Proposition Infinity. Amy and Bender campaign for the right to marry in a Proposition Eight/gay marriage parody, and while the mechanics might be difficult to imagine, that's not where the plot holes lie.
Instead, they're in I Dated A Robot and the original finale, The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings.
I Dated A Robot sees Fry dating a Lucy Lui bot in a now quite dated Napster reference. Though the ethical issues with involuntary cloning are mentioned, what gets more focus is how unnatural Fry dating a robot actually is; something not mentioned by most of the crew in Proposition Infinity. Perhaps, like the public perception of gay marriage, the crew are just more open minded in the later episode.
In The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings, it's not the perception but the legality which raises issues. The Robot Devil contractually ties Leela into a marriage, something which should be illegal in the state of New York.
Maybe the Robot Devil just breaks the rules?