Futurama: Every Planet Express Crew Member Ranked

12. Kif Kroker

Futurama Characters
20th Century Fox

Kif Kroker might even make the cut for the top ten Futurama characters ever, with his dry delivery, sarcastic wit and endearing nervousness around his fonfonru Amy Wong. However, he doesn’t bring his a game while he’s working for Planet Express, so his ranking takes a tanking.

Kif works for Planet Express during the episode Brannigan, Begin Again, after being fired from Doop following Zapp’s incompetence. It would likely irritate Kif no end that Zapp has finished above him here, but they just use Kif too little for him to climb into the top ten.

By the time Brannigan, Begin Again rolls around, Kif and Amy don’t have their dynamic yet, so there’s less for him to cling onto. His interactions within Planet Express are much stronger once they do, not only with Amy but with the whole crew as he becomes a more well-rounded character. During his official employment though, he’s a little flat.

He assumes the same position he had under Zapp, this time working as Leela’s assistant. There’s no growth though, as it’s just him complaining about what he used to do for Zapp. A bit of a wasted opportunity.

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