Futurama: Every Planet Express Crew Member Ranked

11. Cubert Farnsworth

Futurama Characters
20th Television

Introduced in A Clone Of My Own, Cubert Farnsworth offers possibly the funniest use of a clone storyline in sci-fi history. It’s a fairly typical trope, but usually one which explores existentialism, the nature of humanity and what it means to have a soul.

With Cubert, they goof around and mine it for laughs.

He sort of becomes the Professor’s son, offering a new string to the writers’ bows when it comes to Professor plots. He comes and goes, but with the nature of him it’s hard to judge what constitutes his time actually at Planet Express.

Obviously he’s clearly a part of it during The Route Of All Evil with Dwight, as he ends up running the company for a while. However, in Overclockwise Bender successfully argues in court that as a clone, Hubert and Cubert are legally the same person, getting them off the hook via double jeopardy.

By that metric, every Cubert appearance technically has him as Planet Express employee, and could see him challenge the top five. Only taking the times he was officially working though is slim pickings, so a midway point seems fair.

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