Futurama: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

4. Season Five

Futurama season 7
Comedy Central

The first season to be run under Comedy Central, Futurama's fifth season is at once the show's most divisive and its most off the wall. It had been six years since season four had aired, and so fans were ready for something epic to bring back their favourite show. In the end, the season ending up airing as four feature-length episodes, each split in four parts.

Of the four movies, "Bender's Game" is probably the weakest, serving as the show's answer to Lord of the Rings and Dungeons and Dragons, and whilst "The Beast with a Billion Backs" is a touch too weird in parts, it's still genuinely hilarious and thrilling.

The best of the season is easily the first entry, "Bender's Big Score," which blends together the show's twisting narrative, dramatic revelations and clever humour with startling precision. To top it all off, "Into the Wild Green Yonder" offers up a striking and satisfying conclusion to the season's epic tales.

All told, season five is definitely the show's most daring, but is full to bursting with enough action, humour and heart to make it one of the show's best.

Best episodes: Bender's Big Score, Into the Wild Green Yonder

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.