Game Of Thrones: 10 Huge Questions To Consider Before Season 7
5. What's The First Thing Daenerys Will Do When She Reaches Westeros?
A brief summary of Daenerys' story arc during seasons one to six: she walks around a lot, gets dragons, walks around some more, gets an army, continues walking around and getting into trouble until she manages to get enough ships so that she can stop walking around. Okay, so obviously a lot more happens than that, but the point is, we've been waiting for Daenerys to travel to Westeros for what feels like forever. Finally, it's happening: so what comes next?
Seriously, when Dany finally touches down it's going to be monumental. But what's even more exciting is considering what the first thing is she's actually going to do. Will Tyrion immediately push for a return to King's Landing? Will she travel North and meet Jon Snow? Or will she walk around a bunch looking for more slaves?
Realistically, she'll probably head to Dorne. After all, it would be a pretty clever way of finally making that arc interesting, especially now that she's sailing with House Martell ships. It'd also begin the process of gradually building suspense for when she actually meets some other main characters.