Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Overrated Episodes

8. The Spoils Of War (Season 7, Episode 4)

Book Of The Stranger Game of Thrones Danaerys

Although we waited six seasons for Dany to come to Westeros and dole out some sweet fiery justice, when it came to it, everything felt a bit contrived. The huge fight between the Dothraki and the Lannister forces was an absolutely breathtaking visual experience. Finally the show had the budget to do a fight scene justice, but they no longer had the writing ability to give it any real impact.

Randyll Tarly made a comment about the dangers of having the Lannister forces too spread out, so of course in the next scene they're all spread into thinly exposed lines, just in time for Dany to come wipe them up. How convenient. Jaime had a few cool moments, charging Dany's dragon before he was saved by Bronn.

We then got an incredibly drawn out shot of Jaime sinking into an incredibly deep lake, wearing some incredibly heavy looking armour. Was this the end of the Kingslayer? Nope. He was completely unscathed in the next episode, undermining the whole dramatic ending to the battle sequence. This was indicative of the later seasons, any real danger for characters was non-existent.

And we didn't even get to mention that tedious scene with Bran reuniting with Arya. The writers completely gave up trying to explain what was going on with Bran by this point. We were just subjected to more of his nonsensical musings about being all knowing whilst imparting his wisdom to nobody.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.