Game Of Thrones: 10 Shocking Revelations From Benioff & Weiss's Q&A

5. They Thought The Pilot Was A Disaster

Game Of Thrones Pilot Ned Stark

After already admitting that they felt the whole thing was one long learning experience, and that neither man had any real handle on how to produce a TV show when they began, it should come as no surprise that the initial pilot was something of a disaster. Even by their low standards, it was apparently a complete mess.

"They acknowledge that they have no idea why after such a dismal pilot why they went forward. “Everything we could make a mistake in, we did.” Script, casting, costume. They think HBO went forward bc they had a lot of foreign pre-sales on the series"

The acknowledgment from the pair that the show's eventual green light might have been more financially-motivated than any creative reasons is certainly an eyebrow-raiser but, if nothing else, should provide encouragement for others to take a punt on some "unplolished" premises.

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