Game Of Thrones: 10 Storylines That Should Have Been Cut

8. Craster’s Keep

Craster Jon Snow

The mutiny at Craster's Keep is an entertaining enough side-quest for Jon and the Night's Watch, and it introduces a thoroughly detestable character in the shape of Craster himself, but it was no more than a flashy distraction that could have been done better and with more symbolic relevance at The Wall itself.

The idea that the Watch is full of criminals pushed to breaking point didn't need to be twisted by the introduction of Craster and his incestuous behaviour. Yes, it suggested that sometimes you have to make allegiances with despicable people for the purpose of balance, but that was always an uneven exchange with Craster anyway, and simply having a first mutiny at the Wall would have better suited the foreshadowing for what happens to Jon later.

Ultimately, it felt like the sacrifices of the babies by Craster to the White Walkers was going to have some higher relevance in time, but everything has moved on so far now that all of the questions that it inspired are no longer even relevant.

And yes, while removing Craster would remove Gilly and her baby, that's not as much of a fatal cost as you might think. The show has pretty much ran out of things to do with her, and the idea that Sam solely gave up his vows for a girlfriend rather than for his driving inner sense of good is a little reductive.


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