Game Of Thrones: 10 Storylines That Should Have Been Cut

6. Arya And The House Of Black And White

Game of Thrones Waif Arya

Look, nobody is going to say that Arya didn't need to be trained up to become the killer she became by the time she ended the Freys in season 6 and 7, but there has to have been a better way to do it than this.

First, it makes absolutely no sense for her to want to be a Faceless Man. Her whole agenda is to train to enable her to take out her kill list and stay alive at the same time, she wanted to still be a Stark, but just a better one at killing people. And yet the House Of Black And White teaches its assassin students to be No-One, to have no personal stakes and to abandon all emotion.

This wasn't a case of Arya discovering that her personal stakes were far more important to her than being a Faceless Man, she never surrendered herself at all, and so the whole process - which was mind-numbingly boring at times - was absolutely numb-headed and contradictory. It was a narrative cul-de-sac designed to make Arya suffer, when the reality is, it would have been FAR more interesting to see Arya train herself and lose part of herself that way.

And by the time any of her training matters, she's ignored everything she learned at the House Of Black And White other than being all weird and aloof.


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