Game Of Thrones: 10 Storylines That Should Have Been Cut
5. Dany And Daario

Everyone loves a bit of romance in Game Of Thrones, and on paper, Daario Naharis was a strong candidate to replace Khal Drogo as Dany's love interest when he died: he was a warrior, he seemed to both love and want to protect her and he could hold his own.
Unfortunately, he was just a bit of an uninspiring character whose relationship with Dany got in the way of other better relationships. Her falling for him made Drogo's death seem too easily forgotten, and Jorah Mormont's affections too easily neglected. Sure, there was some enjoyable friction there, but it didn't go anywhere particularly interesting, and when Dany apparently heart-breakingly sent him away as a distraction, the impact lasted about 2 episodes.
By the time Jon Snow turned up and Dany started paying attention to him, Daario was relegated to the past - just another conquest of a queen who seems to fall in love with people with James Bondian speed. Makes you wonder why they bothered having her catch feels.