Game Of Thrones: 10 Things To Do While Waiting For Season 4

7. Emerge From A Bathtub Naked

As season three rolls on, Daenerys Targaryan convinces mercenary Daario Naharis to swear his allegiance to her, as well as make goo-goo eyes at her in the rest of the episodes, after she emerges from a bathtub naked. It's not that I needed Daenerys Targaryan to show me that men are much more willing to do just about anything for you when they see you naked. I figured this out long ago but somewhere along the line, I'd abandoned this technique in favor of nagging and whining. So it was good to get that reminder from Daenerys and now I'm writing a "To Do" list full of tasks that need to get done around the house. Then I'll lie in the bathtub, with just my nostrils above the waterline so I can still breath, waiting for some unsuspecting man to wander by. As soon as one gets close enough, I'll spring out, and hand him the list, and voila!: the spare bedroom will get painted. Of course, it wouldn't hurt to have three dragons ready to incinerate him if he refuses.

Karen lives in Philadelphia with her husband and a lovesick cat. She has a law degree which, oddly enough, has left her ill-prepared for her current occupation of binge watching television. When there's nothing good on TV, she writes for the humor blog, Do Not Get Sick in the Sink, Please.