Game Of Thrones' 15 Hardest Characters (And How Likely They Are To Survive)
14. Loras Tyrell

Despite his frilly name, The Knight Of Flowers, is actually an accomplished knight who's proven in combat. Even in tourneys he has proven himself a clever and resourceful foe; going so far as to use a mare in heat to unhorse and defeat the Mountain in a joust.
Growing strong in more ways than one, Loras gave some pretty sage advice to his lover Renley in Season 1; if warfare is his major strength then he definitely has politics as a minor. This is hardly surprising given who his grandmother is, and under Olenna's tutelage he and his sister are much more astute and cunning than their blundering father, Luthor.
His current situation is extremely perilous; there's no obvious way for him to retain his standing in the kingdoms and still be released by the sparrows unless his fellow Kingsguard, not-the-Mountain pays them a visit. On top of that, there's no guarantee that he hasn't been targeted for termination by Cersei as, if you remember, she wasn't exactly happy about Tommen's hero worship of him.
Assuming he does come out of that smelling like golden roses he's still Kingsguard. If any of the million powder kegs surrounding the Lannisters go off, Loras will be bound by oath to stand directly in the firing line.
If I were him, I'd do a lot of standing behind the Mountain.
Chance Of Survival: 30%