Game Of Thrones: 5 Characters You Wouldn't Want To Meet In Real Life

2. Joffrey Baratheon


OK, you all knew this one was coming.

Joffrey of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. € And a complete and utter *insert insult of choice*. Born of incest, the boy king really is a rotten egg. They say that crowns do queer things to the heads beneath them; Joffrey was already a twisted child, and the crown simply unleashed the miasma of cruelness and unmitigated tyranny.

Even his mother concedes that he is out of control. He has a warped sense of humour, alongside a blind tenacity to befall unthinkable evils on his victims. Once he sets his mind on something, there is nothing or no-one that can stop him. Just look at poor Ned.

But I can€™t help but wonder why is he is so bad. It can€™t be purely because of the incest; Tommen and Myrcella were born of the same corruption of nature, yet they seem to be good kids. Whatever it is, Joffrey is a lost cause. Lost in his own little world of power, the members of the court can but sit back and watch uncomfortably as he satisfies his dark and avaricious fantasies. Imagine being set in front of this kid, as he looks down at you from his Iron Throne with excited eyes and plans your punishment. And you are being punished because, well, why not? Prepare your goodbyes and cheerios. Be it to your toes, your tongue, your manhood, or just your integrity €“ Joff has it covered.

With all that said, Joffrey may actually be the character you want to meet the most. After all, being in his presence, you may get the chance to give him a nice crisp slap across his royal cesspool of a face. Sure, you would die a slow and painful death for the act, but hell, it would be worth it, right?

Which brings me finally to€


When he's not out in Newcastle wasting his money on dubious vodka, Jack enjoys taking procrastination to new levels via the wonders of video gaming, TV, books, and shiny things on the Internet. In other words, he's a student.