Game Of Thrones: 5 Great Characters Ruined By Poor Writing

4. Jon Snow

Game Of Thrones Arya Stark The Hound

Jon Snow wasn’t one of the most distinctive characters when Game of Thrones first aired. Yet he gradually won the affection of fans through his goodwill and determination. And as the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, he was also one of the key contenders for the Iron Throne.

But the problems with this character arose in the final season. His relationship with Daenerys was never very authentic. Aside from the fact the Mother of Dragons also happened to be his aunt, their romantic interactions never felt sincere, especially when compared with Jon’s relationship with Ygritte.

Whilst Jon certainly played his part in The Battle of Winterfell, he was marginalised in ‘The Last of the Starks’ and ‘The Bells’. What's more, his decision to betray Daenerys lacked any dramatic tension due to the nonsensical events that occurred beforehand.

The only saving grace was the reunion with Ghost – his dire wolf. But this still wasn’t enough to redeem Jon’s lack of involvement in the rest of the season.


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