Game Of Thrones: The Winners & Losers In 'The Lion And The Rose'

4. Ramsay Snow

Ramsay Snow may not be the most likeable sort €“ you could argue that he gives Joffrey a run for his money in the cruelty department €“ but you do have to give him credit for his gifted ability of being able to manipulate others. We first saw him demonstrate this power when he played Theon during the later's escape attempt from Ramsay's own dungeon. Acting as his rescuer, Ramsay gained Theon's trust and Theon dropped his guard, divulging the truth about the dead farmer's boys, whom he had paraded as being the two youngest Starks after taking Winterfell. Ramsay uses his gift on his father in this episode, which is an even more accomplished feat, as Roose Bolton doesn't strike as a man easily beguiled. Ramsay turns a caution about his reckless dealings with the Iron Islanders and his treatment of Theon into an opportunity to get what he's always wanted: the title of a true Bolton. Ramsay exploits his mastery of Theon to prove to his father that he is no fool to be trifled with, confidently placing his life in Theon's uncertain hands, and impressing him with the revelation of the surviving Stark boys. His best line: "You made me acting Lord of the Dreadfort. I acted."

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.