Game Of Thrones: The Winners & Losers In 'The Lion And The Rose'

2. Lady Olenna

The Lady Olenna retains her title as the Coolest Cucumber in the Capital this week with another scene stealing performance. If only all senior ladies were as boss-like as her. She is the only character who can match Tywin for will in a conversation, and she knows exactly when to turn on the charm and when to be unforgiving and pragmatic. From what we've seen and heard of her son-in-law, Mace Tyrell, it is clear who the real head of the family is. In the scene directly following the wedding ceremony, Lady Olenna is walking with Tywin to the feast. Along bumbles Mace Tyrell, who simply says hello to her; she brushes him off immediately: "Not now Mace, Lord Tywin and I are speaking!" Lady Olenna is by no means a closeted housewife either, she has a keen political mind, as evident last season in her negotiations with Tyrion over sharing the cost of the illustrious royal wedding between their two Houses. Money is the subject again during her chat with Tywin this week, with yet further foreshadowing of the Iron Bank of Braavos, to whom the crown owes millions, although that doesn't seem to bother Tywin. Lady Olenna points out that that simply isn't the case, and they both know it. SPOILER €“ If you're looking for clues as to 'whodunit', watch carefully again when Lady Olenna is offering her condolences to Sansa.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.