Game Of Thrones: The Winners & Losers In 'The Lion And The Rose'

3. Cersei

"Suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth." Tyrion's warning to Cersei comes true this week, in the most horrific way (for her, at least). However, it is her behaviour at the wedding feast up until that point which casts her as a loser in this episode. Cersei struts about the feast, taking what she calls "little pleasures," which basically amounts to her bullying and belittling those she deems inferior to her regal self, and that essentially includes everyone. She targets Brienne, who is nothing but polite, for her affections towards Jaime; she threatens Grand Maester Pycelle into disobeying Magaerey's command that the leftovers of the feast should be given to the poor; she mocks Ellaria Sand for being bastard-born; and naturally, she makes no attempt to mask her pleasure at Tyrion's humiliation during Joffrey's special wedding entertainment. Truly bad form from the former Queen Regent, but she made her bed, in a sense.

Freelance writer and part-time Football Manager addict.