Game Of Thrones: 6 Best Moments From The Watchers On The Wall

5. Giants & Mammoths!

After Mance lights the €œbiggest fire the North has ever seen€, his army begins marching south towards the Wall. Hundreds of Wildlings emerge from the forest ready to give their lives for a chance to reach the other side. Among these Wildlings are fierce giants riding massive mammoths. How cool was it to see giants riding mammoths? Not only is it a sight some expected not to see in this show given the budgetary constraints, but the end result is an awesome sight to behold. The combination of practical effects and computer imagery to bring them to life was near blockbuster quality special effects. Both creatures were used effectively and practically. We got to see a giant unleash its massive arrows on a hapless crow, which propels him hundreds of feet in the air! One of the giants attempts to have his mammoth pull the front gate out, only to be met with explosive oil barrels. The other giant sees this and decides to just open the gate himself through pure strength. There was nothing intellectual or emotional about these moments, just pure fun and exhilaration. And there is nothing wrong with that. So cool.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.