Game Of Thrones: 6 Best Moments From The Watchers On The Wall

4. Grenn Faces A Giant

Upon seeing that a giant is lifting the outer gate, Jon Snow sends Grenn and a small group of black brothers into the inner gate to hold it at any cost. When they get down there they see that the giant has lifted the gate and has made it inside. He begins charging at them, which causes the brothers to lose their will to fight. Grenn steps up and reminds them of their roles as members of the Night€™s Watch, reciting the oath as a form of motivation. With their resolve strengthened, they brace themselves for a fight to the death with a giant. The following morning, Jon and Sam find the giant dead, along with Grenn and the brothers he was with. Grenn has been a regular supporting character among the Night€™s Watch since the first season. Despite remaining a minor character in the grand scheme of things, he has always been given enough material to stand out as a likable guy, enhanced all the more by his maturing devotion to Jon and the Night€™s Watch. It is sad to see him go, especially considering he doesn€™t actually die in the book. He died with bravery and honour though, and in a show that rarely offers its characters a pure and selfless death, that counts for something.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.