Game Of Thrones: 6 Best Moments From The Watchers On The Wall

3. Jon Vs. Styr

When Jon Snow hears from Sam that he is needed down below, he leaves Dolorous Edd in command above, gathers a small party, and heads down. He hands Sam the key to Ghost's kennel and takes to the fight himself. Eventually Styr the Magnar of Thenn sees Jon and, knowing who he is, sets after him. Jon sees this and the two engage in a fierce melee. Jon holds up well against Styr's two-handed axe until he loses Longclaw, after which Styr presses his advantage and gets the upper hand, smashing Jon's face against an anvil. It looks like this is the end for Jon, but he takes a move out of Karl Tanner's book and spits blood in Styr's face, his recoil giving Jon a moment to smash his head in with a hammer. This was a great fight scene. Kit Harrington clearly has experience swinging a sword; he appears to be much more experienced at it than last season. Yuri Kolokolnikov as Styr gives it his all as well, at least it appears so. If that's a stunt double, we can't tell. This whole fight is just an excellently choreographed action scene in an episode full of them. It's also great to see a call back to Jon's experience at Craster's Keep fighting Karl, as it shows Jon's progress in becoming a better fighter, even if it means playing a little dirty. Definitely one of the best sword fights of the series.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.