Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From The Mountain And The Viper

6. Theon Secures Moat Cailin

Next we see that Ramsay Snow, Theon (sorry, Reek), and the Bolton army are amassed outside Moat Cailin. Roose needs Ramsay to secure the castle in order to properly secure all of the North. To do this, Ramsay has Reek temporarily revert to his Theon identity and negotiate with the Ironborn to surrender Moat Cailin in exchange for their lives. Theon does his best, but the Ironborn leader Kenning sees how whipped Theon is and rejects the offer. However he is killed by one of his own men, who, along with the rest of the Ironborn, want to leave the diseased castle and go home. In an unsurprising move given Ramsay's character, he negates to uphold the deal and instead flays them alive. This whole scene is just more mental torture for Theon at the hands of Ramsay Snow. After being conditioned into accepting his new identity as Reek, he is forced to reassemble the identity of the man he used to be. It's almost like a test on Ramsay's part; a test to see how deeply seeded his modifications to Theon's identity can go before reversing back, which Ramsay would most likely take great pleasure in punishing him for. Those seeds are indeed sown deep, as evident by Theon's struggle to maintain his old identity under pressure. Luckily for Ramsay though, the rest of the Ironborn were so desperate to go home that they surrendered Moat Cailin before this is obvious to them. Unfortunately for them, Ramsay isn't known for keeping his word. With Moat Cailin now under Bolton control, Roose is now ready to establish his reign over the North, starting by moving into his new home: Winterfell.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.