Game of Thrones: 7 Dead Or Missing Characters Who Could Return

2. Catelyn Stark

Fans of the book went Stark-raving mad when there was no reappearance of Lady Stark at the end of season 4 finale The Children. Because despite meeting a grisly end at a certain wedding, that is not the last time Ned€™s widow is seen in A Song of Ice and Fire. In the epilogue of A Storm of Swords (the latter half of which provided the basis for S4), we are introduced to a character with flesh like curdled milk, half her hair missing (the rest is now white), scars and a slit-open throat (she can only talk by covering this wound). This is the reanimated corpse of Catelyn Stark, now known as Lady Stoneheart. Fished from the river and resurrected by Beric Dondarrion and his Brotherhood Without Banners, zombie Catelyn is on a mission to hunt down and kill every Frey, Bolton and Lannister she and the Brotherhood can get their death-cheating hands on. While the TV show has skipped past the book€™s introduction of the character, and all signs from everyone involved point to the character not appearing, there is still a chance. A Feast for Crows ends up with Brienne being brought before Lady Stoneheart having failed to protect either of the Stark girls. She is given a choice between finding and bringing Jaime Lannister to face justice, or death herself. She initially refuses, and is set to be hanged, when she screams out a mystery word. While Brienne€™s path on the TV show has diverged from the books, and intersected with Sansa€™s storyline, if she fails to convince the eldest Stark daughter to join her then she could still end on the road to Lady Stoneheart. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but never say never in Westeros.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.