Game Of Thrones: 7 Storylines Season 5 Decided To Skip

4. The Mummer's Dragon

Enter the Dragon. Or is he? Almost everyone believes that Prince Aegon Targaryen was killed by Gregor Clegane, but it seems that Varys smuggled him out before the Mountain arrived, replacing him with another child. Taken to Essos, he was given to Jon Connington, exiled Hand of the King.

Tyrion is introduced to these characters by Varys €“ he travels with them for a time, and sees that Aegon has spent his life training to become a King. The plan is for Aegon to join forces with his Aunt Daenerys and invade the Seven Kingdoms together. Except, that's not how it ends up €“ after Daenerys is trapped in Mereen by several different armies at her doors, Aegon decided he will invade the Seven Kingdoms by himself, with the help of a large sellsword company.

This is one of the most baffling skipped storylines; a major new contender is just what is needed to shake up the stale state of affairs that is the game of thrones. It seems almost too good to be true, which it might just be. The trouble is, we're never going to know in the show. At this point it seems that playing it safe is the name of the game, and adding a whole new claimant for the Iron Throne might be too much for viewers to take. Love it as we would, it's very unlikely that we'll have Aegon Targaryen invading Westeros in Season 6 or beyond.


Will Norris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.