Game Of Thrones: 8 Characters Who Should Get POVs In The Winds Of Winter

2. Edmure Tully

Who Is He? - As the Lord of Riverrun following the death of his father Hoster, Edmure Tully was offered to Lord Walder Frey after Robb Stark reneged on his promise to marry one of Freys' Daughters and became betrothed to Jeyne Westerling instead. Lord Walder seemingly agreed to the match and forgave Robb of his slight, marrying Edmure to his daughter Roslin before instigating the infamous Red Wedding in cohorts with Roose Bolton. This resulted in Robb's death and Edmure's imprisonment by the Freys, who threatened his death on a daily basis in an attempt to get his uncle Brynden to relinquish control of Riverrun, though they were unsuccessful until Jaime Lannister negotiated the castle's surrender. Following this, Edmure was sent to Casterly Rock as a hostage of the Lannisters. Why Should He Have A POV? - Though it would seem that he no longer has a part to play in proceedings, Edmure's current location (Casterly Rock) makes him an excellent POV candidate, as the location (the seat of House Lannister) has yet to be seen in the series and Edmure is in possession of the only pair of eyes significant enough to introduce it, given that no other major character is presently within its walls or in possession of a reason to visit it.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.