Game Of Thrones: 8 Characters You Should Probably Hate (But Don't)

6. Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister is often thought of as the show's most moral character - at least, he's better than most of the other scumbags when it comes to things like "not being a massive douchebag." But by real world standards, Tyrion is a still a piece of work: he's killed a lot of people across the span of the show, and he is not above seeking revenge, or being petty, or generally doing whatever he wants to secure his own happiness. Tyrion is no saint. Oh, and don't forget that he killed his own father. Say what you want about Tywin Lannister (and hate him posthumously if you will), but he was - at the very least - a complicated man with his own set of morals and hang-ups; Tyrion had major daddy issues, and - yes - their relationship was bizarre and poisonousness, but still... he did murder his own father. And yet, Tyrion is the indisputable hero of the show, the most entertaining character of all - somebody who truly yearns to be part of a much better world. So of course everyone who watches Game of Thrones loves the hell out of him; why wouldn't they? Generally, he's usually the one person who tends to speak the most sense, and his occasional slips into darkness only serve to make him more appealing. Go figure.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.