Game Of Thrones: 8 Huge Predictions For The Second Half Of Season Six

5. Ramsay Bolton Will Murder Rickon Stark

Game of Thrones Night's King The Wall

When it comes to Ramsay Bolton, nothing is certain. At this point, Ramsay has essentially become the show's central protagonist, murdering people unchecked and subjecting some of the show's main characters to immense emotional and physical trauma. He's a lightening rod for viewer disdain, and has taken over the role that was once fulfilled by Joffrey.

He's also going to die this season. Game Of Thrones might be known for letting horrible bastards get away with terrible things, but with the resurrection of Jon Snow comes the certainty of Ramsay's fate. Especially since Jon's agreed with Sansa to go finish him off once and for all.

Sadly for Rickon Stark, however – who is currently in Ramsay's cruel possession – that means goodbye life. Not only does Rickon have absolutely no role on the show any more, but his death would also make Jon's defeat of Ramsay immensely more satisfying and cathartic. With Ramsay having existed on the show for so long, his death will be extremely notable, and the most effective way of doing that would be to make viewers hatred of him achieve its absolute apex through the killing of Rickon Stark.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.