Game Of Thrones: Every Season 7 Episode Ranked Worst To Best

4. 'Eastwatch'

Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Tormund Beric Hound Thoros Westeros All Stars

If shows were rated solely on their final scene, 'Eastwatch' would probably have been in the top 2 of this season, because that coming together of the northern raiding party was the stuff of dreams. It was like a muscular Magnificent Seven meeting, with everyone trading barbs and revealing old wounds and setting up their incredible mission in a way that perfectly built the hype.

Up to that point, it was still a solid episode: we got to see Jaime and Tyrion reunited, Sam took a stand and left behind his increasingly boring Citadel storyline and Tyrion formulated a frankly ludicrous plan to go and capture a wight. Another big score for idiotic missions.

Oh, and there was also the small matter of Gendry's return, which a few people had wanted, or something. He came back with a tighter haircut, a harder body and a determination to fight alongside Jon beyond the Wall as his father had fought beside Ned Stark. Sometimes much-hyped things actually do manage to live up to the hype.

Best Moment:

The Suicide Squad coming together at the end was some of the best dialogue this show has ever had.

Worst Moment:

The death of the Tarlys, which felt like a step too far for Dany and threatened to make her a legitimately unsympathetic character.


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