Game Of Thrones: Every Season 7 Episode Ranked Worst To Best

3. 'Beyond The Wall'

night king spear

After the quite beautiful set up of the final sequence in 'Eastwatch' we got to see Tyrion's disastrously idiotic plan in action, as the Magnificent Seven (plus several Wildling red shirts) headed into the frozen wilderness on the trail of a wight they could kidnap. Because there's no problem with that plan at all.

To be fair to the writers, the idiocy of the plan allowed for some brilliant spectacle film-making, with stunning action sequences taking in horror movie techniques and pure action movie tropes to create some of the most intoxicatingly tense moments in Thrones history.

The bits away from beyond The Wall weren't quite up to it, but we got the key development of Arya and Sansa's friction and Dany and Tyrion once more talking about the dangers of impulsiveness and her inability to conceive. You know, because foreshadowing is necessary even when there are polar bears, wights and dragon action happening elsewhere.

The Hail Mary appearance by Dany ramped it all up an extra notch, and we finally got the real pay-off of Tyrion's warnings about impulsiveness as the Night King channelled his Olympic javellin-throwing ancestors to take down Viserion. It was easily one of the biggest OH SH*T TV moments ever, and if anything, it was quickly outdone by the dragon's eye reopening again.

Best Moment:

The dragon dies, and then undies.

Worst Moment:

Arya's cold-hearted assassin routine with Sansa, which makes no sense given the way the final episode turns. Oh, and Benjen's death just felt needless.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.