Game Of Thrones Finale: 10 Characters No One Expected To Make It To The End

4. Bronn

Game Of Thrones Brienne

What exactly was the point of Bronn’s storyline this season?

He’s paid by Cersei (acting by proxy through Qyburn because of a soured relationship between Lena Headey and Jerome Flynn) to kill Tyrion and Jaime, waltzes into Winterfell wielding a crossbow, and then... doesn’t.

Yes, there’s that old line Tyrion told him about if Bronn ever got an offer to kill him, he’d double it, but all the man wants is a castle. The whole negotiation at crossbow point felt rushed, unnecessary, and didn’t particularly change anything.

He’s a great character, a hard as nails fighter and by all rights he deserves either a happy retirement or a noble death. As it stands, he’s got neither and it just feels hollow.

The worst part is that when Cersei has Tyrion at the mercy of her archers (not to mention Daenerys, Grey Worm and pretty much everyone who wants her dead), Cersei orders them not to shoot.

So again, what was the point of Bronn’s storyline this season?

He’s clearly a big fan favourite but if the writers couldn’t make use of him, he should’ve been allowed to fade away gracefully, just as the likes of Hot Pie and Illyrio did.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)