Game Of Thrones Finale: 10 Characters No One Expected To Make It To The End

3. Davos Seaworth

Game Of Thrones Brienne
HBO/Helen Sloan

Good old Davos Seaworth. Game Of Thrones has been littered with some rotten Hands; too honourable Ned, too self serving Tywin, too stupid later seasons Tyrion... Davos though is up there with the best of them.

Alongside Qyburn, his advice has rarely been misguided, even if it wasn’t always heeded. He served Stannis nobly, defying him only when necessary, and accepting the punishment with dignity and grace. This dates back even further than the show’s beginning, with Davos losing his fingers after Stannis caught him smuggling.

Stannis’ arc has ended, but Davos lives on.

Since then, he’s become Jon’s Hand, no longer needing to defy orders and still serving with wit, grit and a sense of calm.

Jon though has frequently noted that he doesn’t want the Iron Throne, so has no use for a Hand. His position may have changed after seeing Daenerys lay siege to a defenceless King’s Landing, but it’s still seemed like Davos’ days have been numbered for a while.

As a secondary character with no great connection to the core plot who has repeatedly mentioned his ineptitude with a sword, it’s a miracle he’s survived this long.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)