Game Of Thrones Season 4 Spoilers: 5 Things That Will Rule

3. Lady Stoneheart & The Brotherhood Without Banners


This one is probably not going to come into play until the end of season 4, but that doesn€™t mean it won€™t be awesome. I€™m willing to bet that this reveal will most likely be the final shot of season 4. Are you ready?

Catelyn Stark didn€™t die at the Red Wedding.

Well, she did. But not really. Now, before you get happy (or sad for those of you that didn€™t like her), you should know just how it is the she comes back. Remember all that stuff from this season about the Lord of Light and how Ser Beric was able to come back from the dead because of him. Well, after the Red Wedding, Ser Beric gives up his own life to bring back Catelyn. Except this isn€™t Catelyn. This is her mutilated corpse, with her throat cut so she can€™t talk, her skin milk white from being dumped into a river, her hair gone with only clumps remaining, and her being angry, cold, and cruel. Along with the Brotherhood Without Banners, she goes on a witch hunt, killing any and all Freys that she can find, to get her revenge for the Red Wedding. She feels no love anymore, only hate. And one by one, Frey€™s start dropping like flies.

Now I€™m really excited about this because I really hate the Frey€™s and I really, really want to see them all die. The reveal of Lady Stoneheart will go a long way in fulfilling that.


I'm a student and I'm doing this because I love it. I love writing and talking about the interesting things on television. I'm crazy about Game of Thrones and Mad Men.