Game of Thrones Season 5: 10 Most Shocking Moments So Far

5. Why The Wrong Face?


No doubt about it, sometimes things get a little weird in Game of Thrones. After all, this is the show in which three-eyed ravens fly, shadow babies crawl and a dwarf’s dong is apparently worth a king’s ransom.

The ever-feisty Arya Stark’s been on quite the journey since fleeing King’s Landing after doting dad Ned lost his head, but it was her encounter with Jaqen H'ghar that would take things into distinctly strange territory. Even the way the mysterious Lorathi speaks is weird, for were he to tell you the story of how he and Arya know each other, it would go something like this:

A girl helps a man free himself from a cage and the man tells the girl the girl can name three names and the man will see them dead. After the girl names the man as one of them, the man helps the girl escape certain death and later gives the girl a coin a girl can use to get to Braavos. A man then turns away, and when a man turns back a man’s another man.

Got that?

Anyway, Arya finally found out what happened to all those corpses when Jaqen led her into the bizarre Hall of Faces, for apparently she’s finally ready to become someone else. Judging by the size of the place, there should be plenty of choice.


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