Game of Thrones Season 5: 10 Most Shocking Moments So Far
4. Margaery’s Perjury

If you must engage in a battle of wits in Westeros, choose your opponent wisely. Littlefinger’s more slippery than slip-on slippers in an oil slick, Tyrion can talk his way out of anything but a cup of wine, and Varys has been spinning a spider’s web of secrecy since day dot.
But whatever you do, steer clear of Cersei. With a mind as sharp as her cheekbones and utter disdain for pretty much everyone besides her own children, Cersei is without question one of the show’s most formidable characters and biggest rotters. Rumour has it she’ll be getting a taste of what’s long been coming to her soon enough, but for now she can celebrate having comprehensively outmaneuvered Margaery Tyrell.
Margaery’s brother Loras, of course, faced accusations of homosexuality after being arrested in a brothel by the Faith Militant. At the inquest chaired by the High Sparrow, Margaery claimed to have no knowledge of any such activity; a claim quickly brought into question when Loras’s lover Olyvar made a surprise appearance.
One mention of a Dorne-shaped birthmark later and Loras was taken away to stand trial, as was Margaery for lying before the gods. Cersei: 1, Margaery: 0.
Spare a thought for poor Tommen. What will he do with all that energy, cake and pomegranate juice now?