Game Of Thrones Season 6: 10 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Battle Of The Bastards'

3. Who Rules Winterfell?

Game of Thrones Davos Shireen's death Melisandre

The Starks are finally back in Winterfell!

Sansa and Jon have taken back their ancestral home, the banners have been changed, and all is right with the North. Or is it?

With Jon and Sansa reclaiming the castle, the question now becomes who rules Winterfell? With Robb dead, Bran should be next in line, but he's off becoming a raven and most people still think he's dead. Next, then, it should be Rickon, but, well, he didn't zig-zag. So it instead falls to Sansa, a girl, or Jon, a bastard.

Sansa has a stronger claim here, being the trueborn child of Ned Stark, and indeed it's easy to imagine Jon himself insisting it's hers to rule. But Jon is the man who led the North into battle against the Boltons, who took on Ramsay and won, reclaiming Winterfell. He's the kind of leader you could see Northmen loving. So it's not particularly clear cut there.

Even once that is sorted, it becomes a question of what their status will be. Are they going to be content with Lord/Lady of Winterfell and Warden of the North? Or could they, like Robb before them, make a bid for their own independence, and try to become King or Queen in the North?

All of that is before even questioning just what they'll do next: punishment for the Umbers and Karstarks? Uniting the North? Preparing for winter? Rallying forces to face down the White Walkers? Maybe it's better to not rule Winterfell right now.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.