Game Of Thrones Season 6: 25 Most Epic Moments

14. Wun Wun's Last Stand

Game of Thrones wildfire King's Landing Sept of Baelor

Wun Wun didn't have a lot of screetime and even less dialogue, but he certainly made the most of his limited time. From the attack at Hardhome, to taking Castle Black from Thorne and his cronies, the last of the giants was a invaluable ally to Jon Snow.

Unfortunately in the battle for Winterfell, Wun Wun was a massive target and took quite a bit of punishment in the melee. That didn't stop him from getting right in the middle of his fighting, tearing people apart and leading the charge against the castle. The look of panic on Ramsay's face when Winterfell's gates began to shake was priceless. When he finally bursts through the gates, even though he looks like a pin cushion with all the arrows sticking from him, the Bolton men still back down. The touching moment Jon shares with Wun Wun before he slips away is a nice send-off to a memorable character.


A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.