Game Of Thrones Season 6: 26 WTF Moments

6. Just When You Thought Jorah Couldn't Be More Friend-Zoned


Poor Ser Jorah. He's spent the last few years chasing Danaeys around like a besotted puppy with an ungrateful, occasionally abusive master who keeps heaping praise on her other dogs. Yes, he was a bad boy by spying, but he should have been redeemed several times over, and mostly season 6 should have seen him given the final dignity of being allowed to go off and die quietly.

But that wouldn't fit the relationship conjured between Dany and Mormont now would it? Instead, he was forced to trawl the Seven Kingdoms looking for a cure before getting back to his Khaleesi. She's friendzoned him so hard that she's now got control over when he dies, despite the fact that there is absolutely no future for the couple.

Even if he remarkably manages to conquer his stoney doom, he's going to come back to heart-ache and wish he was dead again. Her cruelty knows no end.


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